User can be used to allow access to foreman.
Example Usage¶
# Autogenerated example with required keys
resource "foreman_user" "example" {
Argument Reference¶
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional) If the user is allow admin privilegesauth_source_id
- (Optional) Set the authentication source, i.e internal (1,default) or external (2)default_location_id
- (Optional) Default location for the user, if empty takes global defaultdefault_organization_id
- (Optional) Default organization for the user, if empty takes global defaultdescription
- (Optional) Description of userfirstname
- (Optional) First name of the userlastname
- (Optional) Last name of userlocale
- (Optional) Sets the timezone/location of a userlocation_ids
- (Optional) List of all locations a user has access tologin
- (Required) Username used for logging-inmail
- (Optional) Email of userorganization_ids
- (Optional) List of all organizations a user has access topassword
- (Optional) Password of user, required if auth_source_id is 1 (internal)
Attributes Reference¶
The following attributes are exported:
- If the user is allow admin privilegesauth_source_id
- Set the authentication source, i.e internal (1,default) or external (2)default_location_id
- Default location for the user, if empty takes global defaultdefault_organization_id
- Default organization for the user, if empty takes global defaultdescription
- Description of userfirstname
- First name of the userlastname
- Last name of userlocale
- Sets the timezone/location of a userlocation_ids
- List of all locations a user has access tologin
- Username used for logging-inmail
- Email of userorganization_ids
- List of all organizations a user has access topassword
- Password of user, required if auth_source_id is 1 (internal)