
A sync plan is used to schedule a synchronization of a product in katello

Example Usage

# Autogenerated example with required keys
resource "foreman_katello_sync_plan" "example" {
  cron_expression = "*/5 * * * *"
  description = "A sync plan description"
  enabled = true
  interval = "daily"
  name = "daily"
  sync_date = "1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cron_expression - (Optional) Custom cron logic for sync plan.
  • description - (Optional) Sync plan description.
  • enabled - (Required) Enables or disables synchronization.
  • interval - (Required) How often synchronization should run. Valid values include: "hourly", "daily", "weekly","custom cron".
  • name - (Required) Sync plan name.
  • sync_date - (Required) Start datetime of synchronization. Use the specified format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +0000, where '+0000' is the timezone difference. A value of '+0000' means UTC.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • cron_expression - Custom cron logic for sync plan.
  • description - Sync plan description.
  • enabled - Enables or disables synchronization.
  • interval - How often synchronization should run. Valid values include: "hourly", "daily", "weekly","custom cron".
  • name - Sync plan name.
  • sync_date - Start datetime of synchronization. Use the specified format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +0000, where '+0000' is the timezone difference. A value of '+0000' means UTC.